Donate by check

Send contributions to:
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
720 E. Pete Rose Way, Suite 120
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Attention: Julie Dierker (Mark memo Waddell Fund)

Donate online

Contributions may also be made with VISA or Mastercard at the website of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation: or by clicking Donate Online.

If you have access to matching funds (for example through an employer), please remember to include this contribution in your matching request.

The Waddell Scholarship is a permanently endowed fund. This gives you a variety of giving opportunities, all the way from simple, immediate cash gifts to bequests in your will, to more complicated, tax-advantaged techniques such as remainder trusts. The Greater Cincinnati Foundation website has excellent resources to help you with such gifts.

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Ewell "Judge" Waddell

Those of us who knew or worked with him remember him as teacher, coach, mentor, moral example, advisor, leader, executive and friend.

- Dr. Homer Rice -